I Started my interest in Street Photography in 2017 when I was looking around for a new project to get involved in as in my time I have been involved in Portraits, Weddings, Models, Travel, Wildlife and Food but I had never knowingly photographed Street. I looked around and found a short course on it and passed with a highly commended. Though I dont think the actual course helped a great deal I did do quite a lot of research on Street Photography. I read dozens of articles watched many many videos and found Street encompasses what I had thought to be entirely different genres such as Portraits both Candid and Posed , Social Documentary, Architecture etc . One of the areas that causes most angst is photographing Strangers and I think when you are new to the genre you wonder whether you are breaking any laws and again on doing more research the law states you can photograph anyone or anything as long as you are standing on a public land.
I wanted somewhere to show off my passion but also to encourage other Photographers to take up the genre and so I started a group in facebook called Amateur Street Photographers this took awhile to get going but now we have people from all over the world including USA,Turkey,Germany,Italy,France,China etc and therefore the name was changed to International Amateur Street Photography Group and we are heading towards our first 1k members.
International Amateur Street Photography Group encourages people who are new to the genre to learn and be inspired we have a whole section on articles, videos and photographs from the Greats of the Genre. Also we have some very talented Street Photographers in the group who inspire by there photographs and images. We hold monthly competitions on different themes and topics but we also hold our MASTER of Street Photography competition where all members from the new to the group and those who are veterens can upload and see how well they can do this i hope encourages our members to learn and get better and maybe next time.
The winner of this competition becomes our Master of Street Photography and we help to advertise their work by featuring them in one of our videos, we also try and learn about them by interviewing them , we advertise their pages and social media and we ask them to host their own competition and join our panel. Once you become one of our MASTERS then your name will be used in our advertising increasing your credibility in the genre.
So if you are interested in this genre come and join us and be inspired.
Thank you!